Community Benefits

Economic Boost: Soccer games attract fans, which can lead to increased business for local restaurants, hotels, and shops. This influx of visitors and spending can create jobs and stimulate the local economy.

Community Pride and Identity: A professional soccer team can become a source of local pride, uniting people around a common cause and fostering a strong sense of community identity. It often becomes a symbol of local pride and achievement.

Youth Empowerment: The presence of a professional soccer team can inspire young girls and boys to get involved in sports. This can lead to increased participation in youth soccer leagues and other physical activities, promoting healthier lifestyles. This will create opportunities for women’s and men’s soccer players at all levels to maximize their potential

Social Inclusion: Soccer games often bring together people from diverse backgrounds, fostering social interaction and community cohesion. It can bridge gaps between different social and ethnic groups. Soda City FC will create inclusive practices so everyone who wants to be part of the club will be a part of the club!

Infrastructure Development: Building or upgrading sports facilities can improve local infrastructure, which can benefit the community in various ways, including providing venues for other events and activities.

Cultural Enrichment: Soccer matches, and related events can contribute to the cultural vibrancy of a community, providing entertainment and bringing in cultural activities that might not otherwise be available. This will Create an inclusive place where families and the entire community and can gather to celebrate the beautiful game and build community pride and affiliation.

Charitable Activities: Many professional soccer teams engage in community outreach and charitable activities. This can include fundraising events, youth programs, and other initiatives that support local causes.

Tourism: High-profile soccer events and games can attract tourists from outside the region, leading to increased tourism revenue and enhanced global visibility for the community. This was seen most recently when the Liverpool vs Manchester United match in Columbia S.C. drew 77,000 + fans.

Health and Wellness Benefits: By promoting physical activity and providing role models for fitness, professional soccer can encourage healthier lifestyles among community members.

Local Partnerships: Professional teams often partner with local businesses and organizations, creating collaborative opportunities and supporting the broader community network.

Jobs, mentorship and Internship Opportunities: Create jobs, training, mentorship and internship opportunities across the entire organization from, technical, youth training, front office, game day operations and facility management

Underprivileged Communities served: Create opportunities for underprivileged and underserved communities through scholarships and strategic partnerships with organizations such as Lexington Youth Soccer and Soccer Without Borders

Overall, professional soccer and the related facilities can play a significant role in enhancing the economic, social, and cultural fabric of a community.