The success of our vision and the future of the Columbia SC Professional Soccer Alliance depends on the visibility, awareness and support we earn from our local communities. Raise your hand! Help us make this happen.

Become An Ambassador

Alliance Ambassadors will play a key role in building our Alliance and fulfilling our vision. They will help us raise awareness and activate people in our community. Alliance Ambassadors will have many perks and benefits for helping our cause, which includes the opportunity for positive PR as well as a chance to earn equity in the club and participate on our Board of Directors.

Become A Partner

Sports and Community Organizations, Nonprofits, Schools, and businesses. You are the fabric of our community. Help us raise awareness and reach people in our community. We will feature your group or organization on our website and put you in our history books to help to make this happen. Partner organizations will have a mutually beneficial partnership with our organization, tailored to your specific needs.

Become a Supporter

Investor or Sponsor, we would love to have your support! Let us know you are interested, and we will contact you with opportunities.

I AM A FAN! – Keep me in the loop

Just want to hear updates on our progress, and stay up-to-date on what is happening with our vision of bringing equality and professional soccer to Soda City.

Get Involved
Interested Level Of Commitment