Breaking the Barriers – Promoting equality through the power of professional soccer in our region.


Unifying people of diverse backgrounds.


Eliminating discrimination; not for most but for all.


Fostering a culture of excellence.


Building pathways.


Creating future leaders.

Why Columbia, Why Soda City

Columbia, located in the heart of South Carolina, serves as the state capital and is home to a prominent flagship university. Beyond its governmental and educational roles, Columbia thrives as a vital economic center, fostering growth in both industrial and corporate sectors. Additionally, Columbia is uniquely positioned geographically as more then 50% of the state’s population is within a little over an hour driving distance.

Surrounded by natural beauty, Columbia offers a compelling mix of stately architecture and verdant landscapes. This juxtaposition enriches the city’s allure, providing both residents and visitors with a tapestry of experiences that celebrate its rich heritage while embracing progressive perspectives.

While Columbia is not known for inventing the carbonated beverage or soda, it earned the nickname “Soda City” due to its association with the word “Cola” in its name. This quirky moniker adds to the city’s charm and reflects its vibrant and eclectic character. The Soda City brand is known throughout the southeast and attracts attention of those new to the region.

Columbia’s position as the state capital, home to a flagship university, rich heritage, easy access by more than 3 million people, and a brand that is unique to its name, make it a compelling destination for professional soccer in the southeast.

Columbia SC Professional Soccer Alliance

The Alliance, why we are here

The fulfillment of the complete vision of the Columbia S.C. professional soccer alliance is for our organization to have a sustainable women’s and men’s professional soccer teams, a state-of-the-art training facility complete with office space and a soccer specific stadium in the heart of our community. While this is an ambitious goal, communities across America have brought similar visions to life, we too can accomplish these goals in Soda City!

Our organization has created an “Alliance” because bringing a vision such as this to life can only be accomplished by creating an alliance of like-minded individuals, organizations and community!