We are better together.


Unifying people of diverse backgrounds.
Diversity should celebrate our sameness, not our differences. We believe all people everywhere have similar hopes, dreams, desires, and wishes.


Eliminating discrimination; not for most but for all.
Discrimination can hinder the full potential of sports in our community. We strive to promote inclusivity to ensure growth in our Soda City.


Fostering a culture of excellence.
We are setting high expectations, and recognizing everyone’s efforts in reaching the vision.  We are raising the bar and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.


Building pathways.
Provide a pathway for boys, girls, men, and women transitioning from club to college to professional soccer through our development programs, partnerships, and affiliations.


Creating future leaders.
Put people first, believe in serving others. When you, as a leader, are willing to serve others, your teams emulate that. When everyone is helping each other, we all win.